Sunday, January 1, 2012

I really like New Year's Day

As I put away the Christmas decorations today, I came upon the thought that I really enjoy New Year's Day.  But probably not for the reasons most other people enjoy it.  With a two-year-old in the house, there's really no such thing as partying for New Year's Eve, and there certainly is not any sleeping late the following morning.  This year I did make it up til midnight, thanks to a movie that ended at 11:30.  But I like New Year's Day because of the restart.

First, the Christmas decorations.  I don't love decorating for Christmas.  Pulling out all the boxes, figuring out where to put all the normal decorations and furniture to make room for the Christmas stuff, wishing we hadn't been so careless when we packed everything away last year.  I do like decorating the tree, but beyond that, I guess I'm kind of a scrooge.  But, I admit, the end result is nice.  However, putting it all away, though hard work, feels good.  All of the sudden there is more space, less clutter, and everything goes back to where it belongs.  And so does our day-to-day life.  The chaos is over, normalcy is back.  Whatever normal is in this house.
(Totally unrelated vent, I really get frustrated by glitter and Styrofoam.  They have their purposes, I get it, but MAN do they get annoying)

Anyhow, the other thing I really like about this day is the calendar.
The clean, empty, unscheduled, beautiful calendar.  I am completely dependent on one, I can't remember birthdays, appointments, fun plans, anything, unless it is on the calendar.  I have one on my phone, which I use to log appointments made away from home, but I go home and put it on the wall calendar anyway.  And usually our calendar is full of birthdays for friends and family, church events, social events, doctor's appointments, park district classes, etc. etc. etc.  But on this one day, before I have had the time to transfer everything from last year to this year, it is blank and simple.  I suppose there is something nice about wondering what the year will bring, but mostly I just like it because it is empty.

But in a little while, I will start to fill it up with birthdays and anniversaries, and any plans already scheduled for January, and thoughts can go back to all our blessings.  Happy New Year to all.