Most of these houseplants are still with me, and I feel compelled to keep in good, oh who am I kidding, alive condition, because of how I acquired them. People very generously sent many plants and flowers when one of my Grandmas passed away about 10 years ago, and I ended up taking home a basket that had a beautiful little arrangement of tiny green houseplants. I'll be honest here, I can't be completely certain that each of the plants I now own came from that basket, but since perception is reality, in my mind they all did. So it just doesn't seem ok to give up on any of the plants, even if they never get watered enough, grow in crazy directions to get to the sun, or grow to over 5 feet tall. I don't even know what some of them are, though I've tried to look up pictures on the internet, and quickly forgotten what I found.

Next I split an African Violet that had grown into two completely separate plants without my involvement. I guess a lot of years left to fend for yourself necessitates growing a friend. That friend now gets a pot all its own. Maybe I should keep them next to each other so nobody gets lonely....
After that, I pruned one of the plants I cannot name, one of those viney things where you can grow totally new plants just from putting a leaf in water. I trimmed off the long tendrils and planted a few pieces into a new pot to take to work. I have had a spot selected for this plant in my cubicle for about a year now. Probably should dust off the shelf before I set it down.
This particular plant has been shared with many people, and that's my favorite part about keeping this one going. My Grandmother used to always have a row of little glasses on the windowsill growing new African Violets from little leaves that she would give to shut-ins from her church. I'm using a different plant for my sharing, but the concept is still the same, and I think that is cool.

Finally, the beast. The 5-foot-tall palm-tree-looking thing that may or not be a dracaena, based on my internet searching. It has been way too big and not impressive looking for years, and I finally faced the truth that this thing had to go. I solicited some ideas from Facebook friends, but in the end my husband recommended lopping off the top to try and grow new roots and start over, which I agreed would be as good a shot as any. I also saw some gardening advice on the internet where they said you might be able to grow new sprouts from the top of the "trunk," so I'm hoping one of the two work. To the right, the top. Below, the trunk, with a little baggie tent with spritzed water to keep the top moist.
I feel SO much better having done this little project, I've been looking at these sad plants for far too long. I am anxious to see what happens with the tall plant that basically had its middle removed. Though based on how long it lived in a pot that was too small and alternating between drought and flood conditions, it's certainly much stronger than I think.
These plants all look so happy in their new homes! You're a quality moving company. That third one that you've shared so often matches one in my foyer, which came labeled "golden pothos." How would you pronounce that? Pot-hose? Pa-those? I do not call it, but I enjoy its hardy personality.